Our website uses cookies to make your visit a better experience. These are small text files stored by the browser on your computer (or other device), which let our site – in effect – remember you.

Cookies do a lot of different jobs, from more efficient navigation between pages, to storing preferences and generally making the interaction between you and the site easier and faster.

Every time someone visits our site, a unique but anonymous cookie is generated for our analytical systems. This helps us track how many people have visited our site, which pages they’ve looked at and how long they spent on the site. These cookies can’t be used to identify individuals – we only use them to see how well our website’s working.

Turning Cookies off

Your browser should give you the option of changing your cookie settings – which you should be able to find under the ‘preferences’ or ‘options’ menu.

You can find out more about cookies – and how to change different browser’s settings at www.allaboutcookies.org

If you’d like more legal information about privacy issues, you’ll find out more at:
www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1998/29/contents – Data Protection Act 1998.
www.ico.gov.uk – The Information Commissioner’s Office.